- Media releases
- 2018 Gazette Fire (VIC)
- 2019 Busbys Flat Road fire
- 2019 Darawank/Hillville Road fire
- 2019 Mount Mackenzie Road fire
- 2019 Tabulam fire
- About
- Areas we serve
- Personal injury lawyers Ballarat
- Personal injury lawyers Camperdown
- Personal injury lawyers Cobden
- Personal injury lawyers Colac
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- Personal injury lawyers Mortlake
- Personal injury lawyers Port Fairy
- Personal injury lawyers Portland
- Personal injury lawyers Terang
- Personal injury lawyers Warrnambool
- Property lawyers Ballarat
- Property lawyers Camperdown
- Property lawyers Cobden
- Property lawyers Colac
- Property lawyers Hamilton
- Property lawyers Melbourne
- Property lawyers Mortlake
- Property lawyers Port Fairy
- Property lawyers Portland
- Property lawyers Terang
- Property lawyers Warrnambool
- Will contest lawyers Ballarat
- Will contest lawyers Brighton
- Will contest lawyers Camperdown
- Will contest lawyers Cobden
- Will contest lawyers Colac
- Will contest lawyers Craigieburn
- Will contest lawyers Echuca
- Will contest lawyers Geelong
- Will contest lawyers Hamilton
- Will contest lawyers Melbourne
- Will contest lawyers Mornington
- Will contest lawyers Mortlake
- Will contest lawyers Port Fairy
- Will contest lawyers Portland
- Will contest lawyers Ringwood
- Will contest lawyers Springvale
- Will contest lawyers Sunbury
- Will contest lawyers Terang
- Will contest lawyers Warrnambool
- Will contest lawyers Werribee
- Will wontest lawyers Frankston
- Aveo group investigation
- Aveo Group investigation registration form
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- Compensation claims following January 2018 power outage
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- Cosmos clinic class action investigation
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- Inland rail project
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- Liquor licensing
- Medical negligence
- Medical negligence claims
- Motor vehicle (TAC) claims
- Motor Vehicle Injury Lawyers in Warrnambool and South West Victoria
- North-South Corridor Project
- PFAS contamination compensation
- Services
- Dispute resolution
- Insurance law
- Personal injury
- Will challenges
- Business and commercial
- Property and conveyancing
- Class actions
- 2013 Lithgow Bushfire
- 2013 Snake Valley Bushfire
- 2014 mickleham-kilmore bushfire
- 2017 Coolaroo Recycling Plant Fire
- 2018 Garvoc Fire
- 2018 Terang/Cobden Fire
- 2019 Cudlee Creek fire
- 2019 Palmers Oaky fire
- 2021 Lucindale fire
- Carwoola Fire
- Cosmos Clinic patient compensation
- Dr Lanzer Class Action
- Falls festival stampede
- Frequently asked questions
- Mount Victoria Bushfire
- Potential class action – Top Deck Tours
- Scotsburn bushfire
- Top deck tours
- Types of compensation
- Walla walla bushfire
- Yorketown Fire
- Employment law
- Mediation
- Wills and powers of attorney
- Estate planning
- Deceased estates
- Sitemap
- Success cases
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- Testimonials
- Thank You
- Thanks for Apply
- Workplace Injury Compensation in Warrnambool and South West Victoria
- Are you an employer in the dairy, sheep, beef or cropping industry? Pastoral Award classifications explained
- Building works and pre-sale preparations
- Buying a business?
- Can I dispute a Will? What are the grounds for disputing a Will in Victoria?
- Changes to spinal injury compensation laws
- Changes to stamp duty concessions for pensioners
- Changes to WorkCover entitlements explained
- Dairy industry mandatory Code of Conduct
- Disappointed because reality failed to meet expectations? You could be entitled to compensation.
- Don’t let your dream holiday turn into a nightmare! Know your rights if your travel plans have been cancelled.
- EPOAs and BDNs – keyboard spasm?
- Farm workers entitled to pay rise from 1 July
- Focus on franchising
- How to make a TAC claim: Your guide to compensation
- I’ve bought a house; do I need a conveyancer? Your guide to property conveyancing
- Landlord: risk of non-payment of outgoings!
- Legal costs…what are they and how are they charged?
- Making a Will is essential for everyone, but especially if you are in a second relationship!
- Modern relationships and intestacy
- Not in the Will? Disputing a Will in a different state
- Not in the Will? How to contest a Will in Victoria
- Opportunity for farmers (and small businesses) to team up to negotiate major contracts
- Rallying together against botched cosmetic surgery
- Re-negotiating your commercial lease due to COVID-19? You must consider the leasing principles!
- Restraints of trade – not worth the paper they are written on!
- Spotlight on Conveyancing: Why you need a conveyancer when buying or selling property
- Steps 1, 2, 3, 4 …10 – always(!) – The importance of reviewing your trust deed
- Tough times – made tougher if no PPSR!
- We’re just helping the kids ….
- What are the changes to workplace laws? Greater protection for workers’ rights
- What can I claim through WorkCover compensation?
- What is a Section 32? Understanding common conveyancing terms.
- What is probate and letters of administration? Probate fees set to increase.
- When do I need a conveyancer?
- Work related hearing loss claims on the rise
- WorkCover Victoria: Your guide to compensation
- “A recipe for disaster” – hear from victims of the 2016 falls festival stampede
- Bushfire compensation experts launch carwoola bushfire class action
- Bushfire compensation experts launch Cudlee Creek class action
- Bushfire compensation experts launch Lucindale fire class action
- Callide dam class action launched
- Claims for compensation to be advanced following January 2018 widespread power outages
- Class action for victims of the 17th January 2017 currandooley fire
- Class action issued on behalf of gnotuk / camperdown fire victims
- Class action launches on behalf of gazette fire victims
- Class actions on behalf of terang, garvoc, gazette and camperdown fire victims
- Community meetings coming up for businesses and residents impacted by the 2019 Cudlee Creek bushfire
- Compensation on the cards for festival stampede victims
- Compensation on the cards for patients who attended clinics run by cosmetic surgeon Dr Lanzer
- Compensation to be paid to Palmers Oaky ‘Black Summer’ bushfire victims following class action settlement
- Coolaroo recycling plant
- Cosmetic surgery patients of Dr George Wong encouraged to join the Dr Lanzer class Action
- Cosmos Clinic patients come forward following class action investigation launch
- Court of appeal success for walla walla fire victims
- Date set for hearing of appeal for Walla Walla fire victims
- Disappointment as Cudlee Creek Bushfire trial delayed
- Final call for Cudlee Creek class action registrations
- Group members in Yorketown bushfire class actions receive compensation payments
- Help available for Bunyip fire affected experiencing issues with their insurance claim
- Impacted patients of Dr Lanzer, Dr Aronov and Dr Wells encouraged to join hundreds of class action group members seeking compensation
- Information session for landowners on narromine to narrabri section of inland rail
- Interest grows in Dr Lanzer class action investigation with surge in registrations of interest
- Jack river bushfire class action complete
- Katherine PFAS compensation claims to progress case by case
- Kathryn emeny joins Maddens Lawyers partnership
- Landowners – don’t be roadblocked by horsham bypass plans
- Landowners impacted by inland rail urged to register for compensation assistance
- Lawyer representing child sexual abuse victims welcomes catholic church participation in national redress scheme
- Legal options available to Katherine locals impacted by PFAS contamination
- Maddens launch deception bay flood class action
- Maddens Lawyers again amongst the best
- Maddens Lawyers announces new Partner, Deepanshi Agarwal
- Maddens Lawyers begins investigations into aveo’s fee and contract allegations
- Maddens Lawyers injury compensation team award success continues
- Maddens Lawyers Managing Partner, Fiona Giblin, wins award
- Maddens Lawyers probe into contaminated water in katherine
- Maddens Lawyers progress class action following coolaroo recycling plant fire
- Maddens Lawyers recognised among the best for work injury claims
- Maddens Lawyers voted among the best in workcover and TAC compensation
- Maddens ranks twice amongst top ten class action settlements for 2020
- Maddens settles Gippsland bushfire class action
- Mediation set for coolaroo recycling plant fire class action
- Potential compensation for businesses impacted by campbellfield factory fire
- Powercor seeks to shut down Gazette St Patrick’s Day bushfire class action
- Public meeting for residents and landowners impacted by garvoc fire
- Public meeting for residents and landowners impacted by terang fire
- Public meeting to discuss potential compensation following coolaroo recycling plant fire
- Recent decisions in a separate high-profile class action against Toyota are a welcomed result for consumers
- Scotsburn bushfire class action
- Significant developments in st patrick’s day bush fires class actions
- Stamp duty and foreign resident capital gains withholding provisions from 1st July 2017
- Strength in numbers for Terang fire victims
- Superscale Toyota diesel defeat device class action launched
- Terang and Garvoc compensation to be paid within weeks
- Toyota: Regret Over Another Testing Scandal
- Win for the plaintiffs in Dr Lanzer Class Action
- Yorketown bushfire class action settles for $2.25 million
- Fiona Giblin
- Kathryn Emeny
- Deepanshi Agarwal
- Adam Taylor
- Brendan Pendergast
- Erol Chakir
- John Cramp
- Jess Higgins
- Christina McLellan
- Lydia Tawse
- Georgia Collins
- Sarah Hanna
- Tatiana Haas
- Harry Hall
- Philippa Callan
- Denise Wong
- Jordan Paunov
- Sam Pendergast
- Heather Quigley
- Vicki Wilson
- Brooke Dean
- Genevieve Faulkner
- Bella Rantall
- Cayla Bamford
- Annie Condon
- Tanya Suggett
- Andrea Coffey
- Caitlin Doukas
- Ashlyn Walker
- Melissa Molloy
- Linda Hustler
- Aurora Glenn
- Tori Croese
- Grace Prigg