Class action issued on behalf of gnotuk / camperdown fire victims

Maddens Lawyers have issued a third class action in the Victorian Supreme Court against electrical distribution company Powercor Australia Ltd. The most recent class action has been commenced on behalf of Gnotuk / Camperdown residents and landowners impacted by a fire that occurred over the 2018 St Patrick’s Day weekend.
The Camperdown fire started approximately 20 minutes after Powercor and Police were notified that a tree limb had snapped an electrical supply line near Cross Forest Road, Naroghid. It is alleged that wires near the incident site remained live and arced which resulted in molten metal and sparks being ejected into dry grasses below.
Maddens Lawyers Class Action Principal, Ms Kathryn Emeny said that the fire was particularly devastating as it could have been avoided had Powercor responded promptly to an emergency call alerting it to a conductor lying across the road.
The fire caused damage to approximately 12 properties. One residence was completely destroyed and the Camperdown Golf Course was also damaged. Other damages include livestock, fencing and pasture.
Earlier this year Maddens Lawyers issued two other class actions against Powercor Australia Ltd on behalf of victims of the Garvoc and Terang fires that also occurred on the same weekend.
Maddens Lawyers have received strong community support in relation to each of the St Patrick’s Day bushfire class actions being progressed by the firm. Ms Emeny said that in excess of 150 impacted property owners had been in contact to register their interest in participating.
Ms Emeny said that registering with Maddens Lawyers would ensure that those impacted by the fires were kept informed about the progress of the class actions and compensation opportunities.
Investigations in respect of the cause and circumstances of the Gazette fire, being the fourth fire to impact the region on St Patrick’s Day, are also being advanced by Maddens.
For more information or to register your details contact Maddens Lawyers on 1800 815 228 or email
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Media contacts
Kathryn Emeny, Principal, Maddens Lawyers: 0439 385 349
Sarah Sheehan, Communications Manager, Maddens Lawyers: 0401 904 570