Claim forms
Warrnambool ocean

Kathryn Emeny

LLB (Hons) BA nationally accredited mediator

Kathryn began working with Maddens Lawyers in 2010 starting in the Class Actions Department. Since commencing, Kathryn has worked to secure millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of hundreds of people impacted by fires across Victoria and New South Wales. Major class actions include the 2009 Black Saturday Bushfires, the 2013 Springwood/Winmalee Bushfire and the 2014 Mickleham/Kilmore Bushfire.

Kathryn is a Deakin University graduate, having studied a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts, with great success, at the University’s Warrnambool campus. Kathryn began her study in 2008 joining the first cohort of students to study Law in Warrnambool. Among her successes as a student, Kathryn won Most Outstanding Student at Deakin’s Warrnambool campus for two years running, achieved her year’s highest score in Property Law and Criminal Procedure and was named an Alfred Deakin scholar.

Kathryn joined the Maddens Lawyers’ partnership on 1 April 2018 and is the President of Southwest Victoria’s disability service organisation, Southern Stay.

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