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Farming and agribusiness


Farming and agribusiness is rarely just a job. It’s a lifestyle, and often a family enterprise, which means it is also a business that inevitably mixes practicalities with emotions.

Maddens Lawyers is in a unique position to understand, appreciate and foresee issues, needs and opportunities relative to farming and agribusiness clients.

The firm’s Managing Principal, Fiona Giblin owns a local farming enterprise.

The physical and time demands of farming mean anyone who commits to this lifestyle requires passion first and foremost. It is also important that the business model makes sense, and that all parties involved are protected, along with the investments they are making. So often we see important arrangements made informally, on the back of unspoken or historic agreements or arrangements.

While this is a nice idea and a common occurrence, these types of arrangements rarely cater for the times when things don’t go to plan. For example, when milk prices change or one half of the partnership wants to try something new, while the other is keen to maintain status quo.

Discussing and identifying solutions to these situations is where our clients benefit most from our hands-on experience and first-hand knowledge of the business of farming, combined with our legal expertise.

Our advice covers:

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    Contact our Farming & Agribusiness Experts