Maddens launch deception bay flood class action

Maddens Lawyers, a Victorian-based law firm that ran four successful Black Saturday bushfire class actions, today issued proceedings against civil construction firm Thies Pty Ltd in the Victorian Supreme Court in relation to the flood that swept through the Deception Bay/Redcliffs region earlier this month.
Yesterday (on 20 May) the firm launched another Queensland flood class action relating to the Callide Dam flood that affected residents of Biloela and Jambin in the Banana Shire. SunWater Limited is the named defendant in that action.
Maddens Lawyers Class Action Principal Brendan Pendergast said in both cases, the victims of the flooding were left to pick up the pieces left behind by a disaster that could have been either prevented or moderated had proper procedures and care been taken.
“In Deception Bay, locals are adamant that flooding in the area that was affected was never the issue it’s been since construction of the Moreton Bay Rail Link began,” he said.
“This meant residents suffered their second flood in eight weeks. Some of the residents hit by the 1 May flood were still displaced from the first event. Flooding like what has occurred has never happened before now – and we believe it’s due to these construction works.”
Maddens’ issuing of proceedings against Thies Pty Ltd, the company contracted to build the Moreton Bay Rail Link, followed a public meeting in Deception Bay less than two weeks ago.
Mr Pendergast said it was clear from this meeting that Deception Bay locals also believed the flow of local waterways had changed as a result of the train line works.
He said the Class Action would seek compensation for loss and damages inflicted by the flood, as well as the time residents had spent cleaning up once the flood dissipated.
Periodic community meetings would be scheduled to provide local residents with up to date advice and information and a chance to speak with Maddens personally about their options for compensation.
Maddens Lawyers has successfully secured millions of dollars in compensation for hundreds of victims of fires that burnt out communities across Victoria on Ash Wednesday in 1983 and Black Saturday on 7 February 2009 and is currently running class actions on behalf of victims of other recent fires and disasters.
Mr Pendergast invited flood victims to register with Maddens Lawyers, to ensure they were kept up to date on the firm’s investigations into the legal implications of the flood.
“Registering isn’t necessarily a commitment to take action – it is, however, an excellent way to remain informed about what is being looked in to, what information is coming to hand and what options are available in relation to litigation,” Mr Pendergast explained.
Mr Pendergast encouraged anyone who was interested in knowing what options they may have to contact Maddens by phoning the firm tollfree on 1800 815 228, or by going online to register at