Public meeting to discuss potential compensation following coolaroo recycling plant fire

Maddens Lawyers have commenced investigations into SKM Industries Pty Ltd, the owner and operator of the Coolaroo Recycling Plant, as a result of a large fire at the plant.
A public meeting will be held this week on Thursday 20 July at 6.30pm at the Coolaroo Hotel, Cnr Barry Rd & Maffra St for local residents and businesses impacted by the fire to discuss their potential for compensation, and how this class action will work. Houses and business in and around Coolaroo were evacuated as a result of toxic fumes, smoke and ash emanating from the fire.
Mr Brendan Pendergast, Principal of Maddens Lawyers, said that the consequences of the Coolaroo Recycling Plant fire will be likely to give rise to a claim for compensation against the owner and operator of the plant.
Mr Pendergast said that it was particularly concerning that there had been numerous previous incidences of fire at the recycling plant, including in February and June this year. “The frequency of fires at the plant is a red flag. It indicates that fire risk management and control measures may not be adequate and that further investigation should be undertaken.”
For more information, contact Maddens Lawyers on 1800 815 228 or email to register your details. Registering is not a commitment to take legal action, but will ensure that those affected are kept informed of developments regarding the investigation and compensation opportunities.
Media Contacts
Brendan Pendergast, Partner, Maddens Lawyers 0419 538 142
Sarah Sheehan, Communications Manager, Maddens Lawyers 0401 904 570