Information session for landowners on narromine to narrabri section of inland rail

Maddens Lawyers invites landowners who may have their land compulsorily acquired as a result of the Brisbane to Melbourne Inland Rail Project (Inland Rail Project) to attend an information session on Wednesday 14 March from 5pm at the Narromine United Services Memorial Club, 58 Dandaloo St, Narromine.
The purpose of the session is to discuss the compulsory acquisition process generally and the approach expected to be taken by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).
Maddens Lawyers Class Action Principal Mr Brendan Pendergast said that while it is still early days in terms of the land acquisition process, it is important for landowners to understand the approach expected to be taken by the ARTC and their rights in relation to compensation.
“The Inland Rail Business Case developed by the ARTC states a preference for acquisitions to occur through private treaties where feasible, rather than through the legislated compulsory land acquisition process.
“It is essential that landowners are properly informed about their rights in relation to compulsory acquisition, and are adequately prepared when entering into negotiations for the acquisition of their land.
“Too often we see landowners overwhelmed by the compulsory acquisition process. It is important that any landowners concerned that their property may be impacted by the Narromine to Narrabri section of the Inland Rail Project protect their interests by gaining an understanding of the acquisition process, what their rights are and the steps involved in the construction of claims for full compensation.
“We strongly encourage all landowners to register with Maddens Lawyers. By registering, property owners will be kept up to date periodically with developments as the process advances, and at the appropriate time they will be able to access expert legal advice if their properties are to be affected.
“Each landowners’ claim will be unique to the property in question and the claims should be prepared and advanced on a case by case basis,” Mr Pendergast said.
Maddens Lawyers has significant experience in representing large groups in rural settings, having successfully represented hundreds of victims of bushfires across regional and outer urban areas of Victoria and New South Wales since 1983.
For more information or to register with Maddens Lawyers phone 1800 815 228 or email
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Media contacts
Brendan Pendergast, Principal, Maddens Lawyers: 0419 538 142
Sarah Sheehan, Communications Manager, Maddens Lawyers: 0401 904 570