Claim forms
Warrnambool ocean

2019 Palmers Oaky fire

In December 2021, Maddens Lawyers launched a class action in the New South Wales Supreme Court on behalf of those impacted by the 4 December 2019 fire. The defendants to the claim are the property owners, Joseph, Moussa and Charbel Tannous & Kwik Flo Pty Ltd.

It is alleged that the fire ignited as a result of sparks from a welder landing in dry grasses. The welder was being used by a contractor on private property to undertake some fencing works on a day of very high bushfire risk. The fire burned in excess of 17,400 hectares causing significant damage to residential and farming properties across Palmers Oaky.

A settlement of the class action was approved by the Honourable Justice Chen of the NSW Supreme Court on 2 February 2024.  Compensation will shortly be distributed to eligible participating group members. 
