Bushfire compensation experts launch Lucindale fire class action

Maddens Lawyers have launched a class action in the South Australian Supreme Court on behalf of those impacted by the 11 January 2021 fire.
Regional Victorian firm, Maddens Lawyers, have issued proceedings against the executors of the Estate of Thomas Brinkworth and his surviving wife Patricia Brinkworth who own the land upon which the Lucindale fire ignited.
The fire is alleged to have started after a burn off pile ignited on a day of total fire ban and spread to neighbouring properties. The fire quickly became out of control in the extreme weather conditions, burning in excess of 14,000 hectares and impacting approximately 70 properties.
Maddens Lawyers Class Action Principal, Kathryn Emeny said the commencement of the class action proceeding is an important milestone towards obtaining compensation for all community members impacted by the Lucindale fire.
‘This was a very significant fire event. The damage caused by the fire is far reaching and still being felt to this day. ‘Claims for compensation in the class action will incorporate all aspects of loss suffered after a major fire such as time spent cleaning and restoring one’s property as well as fencing, tree and pasture losses. Claims will also be advanced for any psychological injuries which we understand are commonly experienced by bushfire victims,’ said Ms Emeny.
Maddens Lawyers are Australia’s Bushfire Compensation Experts having successfully acted on behalf of thousands of people impacted by bushfire events across Australia including the 2009 Victorian Black Saturday fires and the 2013 NSW Springwood/Winmalee bushfire.
More recently, the firm has also commenced class action proceedings on behalf of property owners impacted by the 2019 Cudlee Creek fire in the Adelaide Hills and the 2019 Yorketown fire on the Yorke Peninsula. Ms Emeny said the class action is being progressed on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis and is a secure and low risk means for residents and businesses marred by the fire to recover compensation for the significant loss and damage they’ve suffered.
Anyone impacted by the Lucindale fire is encouraged to contact Maddens Lawyers to register their interest in the class action tollfree on 1800 139 290, email info@maddenslawyers.com.au or register online at maddenslawyers.com.au/2021lucindalefire